Australia's PREMIER deer hunting education courses
Frank's Venison Sausages
5kg clean lean venison
2.5kg pork fat
1.8% salt
1/2 litre red wine
sausage casings (natural) 28-32mm
black ground pepper
45 grams crushed fennel seeds
chilli flakes to taste
1. Cut venison and pork fat into cubes and mix together evenly.
2. Put through mincer using 6mm diameter cutting plate.
3. Spread out evenly on flat level surface (table top).
4. Add salt and crushed fennel seeds, pepper to taste and chilli flakes to taste.
5. Add half a litre of cold red wine.
6. Mix thoroughly by hand until mixture is sticky.
7. Prepare casings by following manufacturer's instructions and then stuff mix into
casings by either using a sausage stuffer or filler tube on the mincer.
8. Once the casing is filled, either chain link the sausages or tie individually with string.