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Herb Marinated  BBQ Venison Skews     with a Sweet Chilli Flavoured Sour Cream Dipping Sauce




2kg  Venison Back strap, cut into 1-inch strips

2  garlic cloves, peeled

1  bunch flat leaf parsley

1/2  bunch dill

1/2  bunch coriander

1/2  bunch basil

200g  sour cream

3  table spoons sweet chilli sauce

3  tsp. flake salt

freshly ground black pepper

2  lemon. lemon  juice

extra-virgin olive oil

bamboo skewers soaked in water for 30 minutes to stop from burning.



1. In a food processor combine garlic and all the herbs with some salt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice and 1/4 cup olive oil and puree. Set aside.

2. Place the Venison strips in a bowl and cover with herb puree and cover. Refrigerate for 1 hour.

3. Combine Sour cream, sweet chilli sauce and some chopped coriander. Add some salt and black pepper.

4.Remove Venison Strips from fridge and skewer

5. On a hot BBQ cook for 2-3 minutes. Remember Venison is best kept pink in the middle as it can be a little tough if over cooked.

6. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon.

These tender, beautiful charred skews  can be eaten on their own simply  dipped into the sour cream dipping sauce  or wrapped in a warm pita wrap with crisp fresh lettuce, tomato, red onion and lashings of the creamy sour cream and sweet chilli dipping sauce. The choice is yours!

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